Calypsa – Brown Rosetted Female Bengal Kitten

Calypsa – Brown Rosetted Female Bengal Kitten Stud : KotyKatz Maximo Queen : Ch. PouncingPaws Abbymya of KotyKatz Availability : No longer available   I expect that our Calypsa will have the same great contrast as her dad KotyKatz Maximo. With her beautiful light background those rosettes will really “pop”! Calypsa has a beautiful head type and very nice profile. Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be added to our newsletter and notification list.…

Spice – Brown Spotted Female Bengal Kitten

Spice – Brown Spotted Female Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : KotyKatz Delphini Availability : No longer available   Our little brown spotted girl is just too cute! She has a funny looking coat right now but that will change as she grows and matures. Spice’s mom KotyKatz Delphini is a G3 from the very rare Asian Leopard Cat Syd of Quadaps.. Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be…

Martha – Silver Rosetted Female Bengal Kitten

Martha – Silver Rosetted Female Bengal Kitten Stud : RW QGC/CH KS Bengals Bruce Wayne Queen : KotyKatz Oka Availability : No longer available   Martha looks very similar to her sister Claudia! They look almost like twins! Martha’s rosetting is starting to develop a bit more than her sisters and she has great black and white contrasting spots. Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be added to our newsletter and notification list. If…

Mr. Peep – Brown Rosetted Male Bengal Kitten

Mr. Peep – Brown Rosetted Male Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : Autumnrain Yuii of KotyKatz Availability : No longer available.   I am completely in love with that inquisitive little face of his! Mr. Peep’s rosetting is really starting to open up and show that second color to his spotting. As Mr. Peep matures the nice warm tones you see in his face will also show up in the background of his coat pattern. Newsletter If you would like to…

Luigi – Seal Lynx Point (Snow) Spotted Male Bengal Kitten

Luigi – Seal Lynx Point (Snow) Spotted Male Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : KotyKatz Funky Fidget Availability : No longer available.   I’m starting to see spots on this him. Very faint and hard to see in pictures. They will become darker and darker over the coming weeks so that we can get an idea of what his pattern looks like! Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be…

Mario – Brown Marble Male Bengal Kitten

Mario – Brown Marble Male Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : KotyKatz Funky Fidget Availability : No longer available.   This little guy will start to show his pattern more as he matures over the coming weeks. I always love watching marble patterned Bengals grow and develop. They can change so much with time! Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be added to our newsletter and notification list. If you…

Flutter – Brown Rosetted Female Bengal Kitten

Flutter – Brown Rosetted Female Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : KotyKatz Funky Fidget Availability : No longer available.   This gorgeous little girl has got HUGE markings like her mom. She is considered a “sparble”. Not exactly spotted and not marble. I just call her beautiful! Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be added to our newsletter and notification list. If you have any questions please feel free to…

Pop Tart – Seal Lynx Point (Snow) Female Bengal

Pop Tart – Seal Lynx Point (Snow) Female Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : CH PouncingPaws Abbymya of KotyKatz Availability : No longer available.   We will have to wait and watch to see little Pop Tart’s pattern as she matures. There is a good chance she will look alot like her mom. Seal Lynx Point Bengals start out nearly all white and their color darkens as they mature. Sometimes this happens fast, and sometimes slow! The eyes of a Seal…

Beast – Brown Spotted Male Bengal Kitten

Beast – Brown Spotted Male Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : CH PouncingPaws Abbymya of KotyKatz Availability : No longer available.   BEAST is the biggest of his litter and has beautiful color and contrast! With age we are hoping to see those little spots turn into nice rosettes and that his pattern will be similar to his moms. Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on this or any of our other kittens, please sign up to be added to our…

Conus – Brown Spotted Male Bengal Kitten

Conus – Brown Spotted Male Bengal Kitten Stud : Naples Calusa of KotyKatz Queen : CH PouncingPaws Abbymya of KotyKatz Availability : No longer available.   Such an adorable little face! At this point CONUS looks like his pattern will resemble his dad’s. We will see! Much of the lighter, brighter color that can be seen on his face will also appear on his body as he matures. And we can already see his little rosettes! Newsletter If you would like to receive updates on…