Planned Bengal Kitten Litters
We will have a variety of kittens coming in 2024! Seal lynx point, silver, silver seal lynx point, charcoal, and brown spotted kittens – first picks by deposit! Please contact me for more information on how to place a deposit.
Stud: LotsOfSpots Compton of KotyKatz
Queen: KotyKatz Cataline
*Coming Winter of 2024* We can’t wait to see the first pairing between these two! Both Compton & Cataline are stunning examples of the Bengal breed. Cataline has amazing contrast which she inherited from her parents KotyKatz Maximo & Leopardkind Atocha of KotyKatz. Compton has nice large rosetting, nice puffy whisker pads, and lovely round expressive eyes. We expect Brown & Silver Spotted/Rosetted kittens from this pairing.
Stud: LotsOfSpots Compton of KotyKatz
Queen: KotyKatz Lumi
Both Compton and Lumi are nicely rosetted and proportionately long bodied so we should see these stunning traits in their offspring as well. I just love breeding Lynx Point to Lynx Point! Color possibilities: Silver Seal Lynx Point and Seal Lynx Point. Possible patterns: spotted/rosetted.
Stud: LotsOfSpots Compton of KotyKatz
Queen: Belafire Jewls Song of Kotykatz
Compton and Jewls are such a beautiful match! Both have really nice rosetted markings with very nice alignment to their patterns. Both cats have very lovely face structure and striking eyes! Compton does not carry the gene for marble pattern Bengals so all kittens will be spotted/rosetted. This litter can produce Silver, Seal Lynx Point, Silver Seal Lynx Point, and Brown spotted kittens.
Check back often for information on upcoming litters! In the mean time, please sign up for our notifications!